weight loss

In Payson, UT

weight loss

We pride ourselves on seeing bodies as a whole and complete system, No one factor leads to significant weight change. We help each and every person to look into all facets of their life to create a comprehensive plan to help you lose weight and keep it off. We are so very passionate about healing the body both inside and out and hope you'll take on your weight loss journey with us!

A complete look into Weight Loss

We pride ourselves on seeing bodies as a whole and complete system, No one factor leads to significant weight change. We help each and every person to look into all facets of their life to create a comprehensive plan to help you lose weight and keep it off.

Lets look into the statistics, 42.4% of americans are obese  and 32.5% are considered overweight. It's not just you. Most overweight people have tried all the diets and fads and feel like they can’t lose the weight or can’t maintain the weight loss. Now you may wonder why that is. Your body is designed to protect itself and in archaic humans having extra weight was a way to fuel yourself through hard times. Your body has become adapted to a specific weight and wants to stay  there. Your body is working against your weight loss journey! We understand this and know how hard it can be to look at the scale after weeks of hard work and it only changes a few numbers. You are not alone!

We take a different approach to Weight Loss

Our process starts with getting your labs drawn to establish the overall health of your body as well as to give us more insight into what medications will best help each individual person lose weight. You then have a  consultation with our licensed nurse practitioner in which you will go over our different weight loss options, medications as well as take an in depth look at your habits and overall life. After this your journey officially starts! Once you have started your weight loss plan you get a free styku scan of your body every month. This scan is much like a dexa and gives you an in depth view of your body fat percentages, lean muscle mass, and bone mass. This system also gives you a 3-D look at your body which can then be easily compared to future scans. You also get an Epigenetic Hair testing every 60 days with a consultation. In this consultation you will go over what specific things your body needs whether it be vitamins, minerals or lifestyle changes. Our goal throughout this whole process is not only to help you lose weight but to help you feel like a better healthier you!

Myths & Hard Truths about Weight Loss

Myth: You aren’t losing weight because you are in “starvation mode”.

False, starvation mode is not a real thing! Your body needs a certain amount of calories to perform your daily activities and eating at that level is not constituted with starvation levels!

Myth: Diets don’t work

False, all diets work, that’s why so many people use them. However some diets aren’t compatible with certain people and very few diets are sustainable for lifetime results.

Myth: I’m in a caloric deficit but I’m not losing weight

False, Most people overestimate their actual caloric intake by several hundred calories per day, you may think you’re eating in a caloric deficit but often enough without tracking your food intake you are not getting accurate numbers.

Myth: Meal frequency is the key to ‘stoking the metabolic furnace”

False, there is no evidence of meal frequency being a high contributor to losing or gaining weight.

Myth: (x Diet) works like magic due to (reason)

All diets work by putting you in a caloric deficit while every diet has a  different mechanism of action they all work at the core the same way.

Myth: Carbs make you fat

False, carbs give your body fuel, there are no good or bad carbs, they all just simply fuel your body in different ways.

Weight loss is linear

False, every person is going to be on their own timeline for weight loss due to each person's life-style and potential barriers to weight loss being different.

Insulin makes you fat

False, Insulin’s job in your body is to help to process glucose molecules. Its production is necessary and does not have significant effects on weight changes.


Your styku 3-D scan starts off quite simply. You will stand on a rotating platform while our sensor tower analyzes your body. This process takes about 35sec then in an additional 2-3 minutes our tower replicates a 3-D body scan available to see on the computer. This 3-D body scan comes with  detailed measurements of your body, a body composition analysis including percentages of your body that are fat mass, bone mass, lean muscle mass, and regional fat mass values.

How does this help me meet my Weight or Fat Loss goals?

The software includes a fat loss calculator where you enter your goal for fat loss and how many days you are able to exercise a week as well as what caloric deficit you are able to maintain and the system calculates a date by which your goal will likely be reached. Goal centered care.

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