
In Payson, UT


Learn more about your DNA and how to better understand your body and what it needs to function at its top peak performance. Our personalized reports can help you better understand how to help your physical, emotional, mental, and optimum states of well-being and performance.

Uses over 800 nutritional and environmental markers. Taking these markers and making a personalized mapping for each person. This information is sent through our German based Epigenetic Mapping Services and directly to your practitioner’s computer. Our Epigenetic reports are compliant with FDA regulations.

The Epigenetic Report is 30+ pages laying out a nutritional food plan and additional advice on how to optimize your wellness over the next 90 days.

Everything around us plays a role in our body. Down to the food we put into our bodies, the daily activities we do, and the environmental factors as well.

We run your Epigenetics by pulling four to five hairs including the bulbs from the back of your head or your eyebrows.

Categories we check for in your Epigenetic report:

  • Vitamins: 16 most common
  • Amino Acids: 23
  • Antioxidants: 13 groups
  • Environmental challenges: Toxins - Chemicals, Radiation, Toxic Metals
  • Fatty Acids: 6
  • Foods: intolerances and food additives to avoid
  • Interference: Electro Smog EMF & ELF - 14 major categories
  • Minerals: 16 most common
  • Muscle recovery stressors
  • Microbiology: Bacteria, Fungus
  • Gut and Intestinal stressors
  • Molds/Spores, Parasites, Virus
  • Circulatory stressors

Epigenetics FAQ

What are Epigenetic Factors?

Epigenetics is the study of our everyday interactions with environmental, lifestyle, and diet and how it affects gene expressions.

Influence Gene Expression?

Yes in varying degrees do your genes have the ability to express, some genes can express in up to a thousand different ways. Simply by changing your diet or environment you can find the best support for gene expression.

Are the Nutrients Listed Deficiencies?

Not necessarily, we are not particularly measuring the amount of nutrient and comparing it to a table. These reports are based on relevancy. Your body could be flagging it as needing more or needing less of nutrient based on a particular lifestyle factor.

Why is the plan for 90-days?

The reasoning behind having you do a 90-day plan is when you make a change to your environment, lifestyle, or diet, it will take some time for your body to register the change and adjust accordingly. After a 90-day period your body has had enough time to adjust to changes and settle in and will be able to re retested to see if the changes have made a difference.

Are the Foods Listed Allergies?

No, We are not running a test to assess your immune response. There are foods which you could be eating which show NO physical signs and symptoms of being a problem but which are not supporting the body's needs as they take up more energy to digest than the body gets in return. This puts pressure on the entire system and these foods are best restricted in the short term and up to 90-days.

Why Do I Need A Follow Up Report, Surely They Will Be The Same?

At a pure epigenetic level the body is homeodynamic, which means constantly adapting to the environment in a non-linear way. As we age, change jobs, eat differently, get married, have kids, read a different paper, start exercising, stop exercising and hundreds upon hundreds of different daily/weekly/monthly changes, so our bodies need support in different ways.

Why Should I Restrict Certain Foods?

There are some foods to which we have limited genetic experience, we often have natural aversions to these. There are others which we eat too much of because we are creatures of habit and from time to time certain foods are just not compatible with our lifestyles. These foods are best restricted for 90-day period.

Science of Epigenetics:

Epigenetic is the science that shows our genetic inheritance. The Human Genome project was expected to confirm the existence of over 100,000 individual genes. It was discovered that only 23,000 genes make up the human genome.

Why is the Hair Bulb an Epigenetic Marker?

Hair belong to the integumentary system that develops from the ectoderm and thus it has the same embryological origin as the nervous system. Therefore it shares the same characteristics as the neurons when it comes to sensation.

The root/bulb of the hair is the only part of the hair that is alive. Meaning it is able to self-replicate. It feeds from the blood vessels that bring information and nutrients from the systemic microcirculation which is subcutaneous through the papilla.

The hair and its bulb are in fact an antenna that is constantly sensing and thus detecting environmental signals emanating form the micro and macro environment. So much so, that within the pilosebaceous unit there is a muscle called the arrector pili muscle, which are small muscles attached to hair follicles and are the smallest muscles in the body.

This is the muscle that works as the cardiac muscle, since it is constantly sensing not just changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure, but vibration through resonance, and frequencies from the ecosystem and the surrounding area. The arrector pili muscle, along with the hair root bulb, were overlooked until recently as important environmental sensors-even though the hair has been accepted as an excellent bio marker.

Why the Report Empowers Wellbeing?

Nutritional and environmental impact on a system is reflected in this cascade of information. A helpful analogy to explain the effect would be a pebble thrown into a pool and causing ripples which radiate out. These ripples (waves) carry much more information about the potential impact of the environment than just looking at the pebble alone. The small waves are constantly moving, interacting and adapting to all of the other environmental waves in the pond, before they fade away.

Epigenetic technology allows us to understand the interactions of impacts from the whole environmental picture and not just see each impacting wave or even the pebble in isolation. It is the information that provides us with new and completely different views on our living environment.

Indications of a wide range of nutritional issues are highlighted in this type of epigenetic information before they appear as physical needs or actual deficiencies. When the environmental statement is returned it could indicate that there is a high probability that some of the nutritional stores are empty, even when the blood or tissues show normal levels. As the signature waves are not a physical measure, but a carrier of information, they display a different picture of what may need addressing. Knowing this information allows people to consider preemptive measures against performance issues, premature aging, by correcting potential weaknesses or other issues associated with a poor nutritional diet or a toxic environment.

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