styku 3D body scan

In Payson, UT

styku 3D body scan

Your Styku 3-D scan starts off quite simple. You will stand on a rotating platform while our sensor tower analyzes your body. This process takes about 35 seconds then in an additional 2-3 minutes for our tower to replicate a 3-D body scan available to be seen on the computer. This 3-D body scan comes with detailed measurements of your body, a body composition analysis including percentages of your body that are fat mass, bone mass, lean muscle mass, and regional fat mass values.

What do you need to bring?

To any styku scan appointment you need to wear form fitting clothing in order to best get accurate body measurements. You also need a hair tie if you have hair past your ears to keep your body unobstructed.

How does it work?

Despite what you may have heard the only way to accurately measure body fat percentages is with a CT and an MRI. However these tests are very expensive and can not be done very often. Almost all body fat measurement devices you may have heard of are actually body fat predictions devices. They use correlations they have found to predict your specific body fat percentage. In Styku's case, circumference measurements of the body captured in Styku's 3D body scan are applied to an equation that Styku derived using hundreds of subjects scanned in a DEXA machine.

Is it Safe?

Yes, so safe people with pacemakers and pregnant people can be scanned with no adverse effects. The light coming from the sensor doesn't affect human tissue. It is safe to be exposed to and even looked at. It is much like the light that comes from your TV remote that we often can't see with our eyes.

What do these numbers and values mean for my overall health

This software can also compare your measurements to those nationally across the country so you are able to see how you rank in comparison to others in your age group. There is also a risk analysis option allowing you to track your risk for certain obesity related diseases.

How does this help me meet my weight or fat loss goals?

This software includes a fat loss calculator where you enter your goal for fat loss and how many days you are able to exercise a week as well as what caloric deficit you are able to maintain and the system calculates a date by which your goal will likely be reached. Goal centered care!

How can this keep me motivated?

One of the best benefits of this software is the ability to see change over time after your first initial scan any time you come back your new scan. Your results will be plotted on a chart to see the improvement as well as being able to analyze your 3-D scans side by side and seeing line overlays of current scans vs past scans.

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