fascia therapy

In Payson, UT

fascia therapy

What is fascia therapy? Fascia therapy is for any and all people who are struggling with musculoskeletal pain, decreased range of motion, or body tension. Fascia is a connective tissue that is found all throughout our body. All out fascia therapy appointments are started with infrared sauna therapy followed by cupping. These two things working together help the Massage therapist to relax the fascia releasing your muscles and other systems, helping to relieve pain and increase range of motion.

What does fascia therapy help?

  • Musculoskeletal Pain
  • Chronic and Acute Pain in the Body
  • Body Tension
  • Decreased range of Motion
  • Avoiding Injury- Tears, Spinal and Joint Damage
  • Improved Outcomes in Workouts and Sports

Pain affects everyone- of all ages! Living a life of daily or intermittent pain is overwhelming and can be very demoralizing. Pain can greatly reduce your quality of life causing you to miss out on time with your friends and family as well as no longer being able to enjoy your hobbies. This constant pain can limit your ability to exercise and decrease your ability to move freely. Of course everyone wants solutions to this pain and unfortunately a solution isn't always easy to find or readily available.

Interestingly enough, usually the root cause of pain is tissue damage!

So how do we heal the tissue that has been damaged? Most often we listen to the doctors and rest the injured part of our body. We go to physical therapy and take the pain meds. However this doesn't always solve the root of the problem and get us back to living our lives to the fullest.

Our goal is to restore the tissue!

Who Needs This?

All ages!

Here at Wasatch Advanced Wellness, we have helped everyone from teenagers in school sports to people in their 60s and 70s keep active and moving.

What types of pain have we seen?

  • Lower Back Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Migraines
  • Neck Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Carpal Tunnel Pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Frozen Shoulder

Fascia work has so many benefits!

  • Optimal Body Movements
  • Feeling Light and Increased Energy
  • Increased Collagen Production
  • Decreased Systemic Inflammation
  • Increased Metabolism
  • Increased Irisin Levels
  • Reduction in Cellulite
  • Stimulates Hair Growth.

What is Fascia?

Fascia- your body's connective tissue- holds you together, yet once bound up, it is strong enough to pull you apart!

Fascia is your body's connective tissue that binds together all other tissues, bones, blood, and lymph tissue. Fascia is primarily made of collagen.

What keeps your organs moving and floating around your insides? How are your muscles attached to your bones? How are your nerves and blood vessels staying in the same place? It is the sticky web-like substance known as your fascia!

So many physical pains and lack of body movement can easily be relieved with healing, unbinding and unknotting the fascia in your body!

Fascia is a very sophisticated system of cells that is all throughout the body. Fascia tissue attaches underneath the skin and is found from your head to your toes, from your skin to your bones. It exists as one single unit without interruption, penetrating, connecting and separating every single part of the body.

Unhealthy Fascia

When fascia is unhealthy it sticks together and wraps around whatever is nearest most often your muscles. This can cause that knot-like feeling you may get when you feel your sore muscles. This however is not a knot in the muscle but a build up of fascia gluing the muscle strands together making them unable to properly move and causing pain with movement. When the fascia is in this state and it continues to be worked you can pull muscles very easily as the strands can't stretch and instead snap.

When fascia clamps down around joints or disks in your back the joints can easily be compressed or even twisted by the power of this connective tissue. When fascia clamps around other parts of your body such as nerves, pain is inevitable.

A silent symptom of unhealthy fascia is hot it can affect circulation of blood throughout your body. The tightening of the fascia around your circulatory system can cause slower healing, numbness, and cold fingers and toes.

Now how do you fix the numerous problems caused by tightening fascia. That is where fascia therapy comes in.

Infrared Sauna Therapy

Here at Wasatch Advanced Wellness, we use infrared sauna therapy with all of our fascia work appointments. Fascia is more receptive to treatment when it is warm, pliable and being penetrated by infrared light!

Many benefits of infrared saunas have to do with releasing toxins so that they don't get trapped in the tissue (fascia), while at the same time, increasing blood flow.

The body's lymphatic system helps to filter toxins out of body, and the circulatory system carries nutrients to the cells- all of this is housed inside the fascia. If the fascia is tight or has restrictions (bound up), then working on unbinding and combing out the fascia will improve all of this. Fascia work is like a brush- combing out the knots and improving blood flow and movement of the body - also helping the body detox!


During a fascia session, cupping is used to promote improved circulation to the tissue. Cups are placed directly on the skin and manually pumped to crease a suction. The cups are left on the skin for a few to several minutes.

Cupping has been around for thousands of years and goes back to Chinese medicine. It is used to also reduce pain, tension and inflammation.

Cupping marks typically present on the back and shoulders. This is cause by stagnated blood that is left in the tissues from an old injury or over use.

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