Hair Testing

Within a mere 20 minutes, you will receive a comprehensive health report brimming with over 30 pages of invaluable information. Discover which functional systems in your body require the utmost support, identify any potential deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, and delve into the realm of foods that will effectively nourish and heal your body.

Step 1. Collection of the Hair Sample

The first step in epigenetic hair testing involves collecting 4-5 hair samples from the back of the head or inner eyebrows. This is done in the clinic by a trained professional to ensure the utmost care and precision in obtaining the sample. Using as few as 4-5 strands of hair, this sophisticated technology "maps" the hair follicle and
evaluates over 800 wellness indicators. This meticulous approach ensures accurate and reliable results for further analysis and assessment.

Step 2. analyze, unravel, and uncover!

After the hair sample is carefully collected, it is placed on a hair scanner and scanned. The scan is then electronically sent to a state-of-the-art laboratory in Germany for meticulous analysis. Within the laboratory, highly specialized techniques are employed to thoroughly examine the genetic material within the hair follicle. The Cell-Wellbeing mapping technology offers a unique approach to assessing an individual's nutritional, metabolic and immune system challenges. Hair is an amazing, almost indestructible biomarker that carries a tremendous amount of personal information at an epigenetic level. This intricate process allows for the identification of even the subtlest changes that may hold valuable insights into specific health conditions.

Step 3. Unlock Hidden Insights

The final step in the process involves interpreting the results of the comprehensive analysis. This critical phase requires a highly trained professional with extensive expertise to thoroughly comprehend and effectively communicate the findings to the individual.

The epigenetic results are a 30+ pages of your personalized report which identifies the specific nutritional and environmental influences for you. The data is used to create the charts and table which make up the complete report and 90-day nutrition plan. Each personalized report

- a complete list of potential nutrition food demands specific to you
- a detailed list of underlying environmental sensitivities that may be reducing your performance including: electromagnetic sensitivity, toxic metals, mold, parasites and more. 
- separate and detailed food suggestions to support the individual immune, metabolic, gut and
circulatory systems. 
- a list of foods to eat and those to avoid for the next 90 days.

Everything around us plays a role in our body, down to the food we put into our bodies, the daily activities we do, and the environmental factors as well.


Any other questions?
Please contact us via Email or Phone.

What are Epigenetic Factors?

Epigenetics is the study of our everyday interactions with environmental, lifestyle, and diet and how it affects gene expressions.

Influence Gene Expression?

Yes in varying degrees do your genes have the ability to express, some genes can express in up to a thousand different ways. Simply by changing your diet or environment you can find the best support for gene expression.

Are the Foods Listed Allergies?

No, We are not running a test to assess your immune response. There are foods which you could be eating which show NO physical signs and symptoms of being a problem but which are not supporting the body's needs as they take up more energy to digest than the body gets in return. This puts pressure on the entire system and these foods are best restricted in the short term and up to 90-days.

Why Do I Need A Follow Up Report, Surely They Will Be The Same?

At a pure epigenetic level the body is homeodynamic, which means constantly adapting to the environment in a non-linear way. As we age, change jobs, eat differently, get married, have kids, read a different paper, start exercising, stop exercising and hundreds upon hundreds of different daily/weekly/monthly changes, so our bodies need support in different ways.

Example hair Report

Receive a personalized 30+ page health report tailored just for you!

Perform a comprehensive analysis of the food you consume and other environmental factors that may impact your well-being. This includes evaluating the presence of EMFs, mold, bacteria, viruses, toxic metals, and various other potential sources of concern.

Give your undivided attention to your food and nourish your entire body.

The societal fixation on seeking a miraculous solution for every predicament has proven futile.
However, this program offers a pathway to rediscover the essence of well-being.

Experience a personalized program tailored to your unique genetic makeup!

Perform a comprehensive analysis of the food you consume and other environmental factors that may impact your well-being. This includes evaluating the presence of EMFs, mold, bacteria, viruses, toxic metals, and various other potential sources of concern.


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Meet your Team

Bringhurst, NP

Chelsea graduated from the University of Utah with her Bachelors in Nursing. She then continued her education at Concordia University where she received her Master's Nursing. She is board certified as a Family Nurse Practitioner by the American Nurses Credentialing Center.

Reinhardt, RN

Heather is a registered nurse and has worked in the healthcare field for over 30 years. She graduated from Utah Valley State School in 1999 with her LPN. She then went back to school to get her RN and graduated from AmeriTech College of Nursing in 2007.

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